

  • I just tried the Cranberry Chicken one. It was pretty much how you expect- making a fresh salad is a much better option. The chicken was squishy but the vinaigrette was surprisingly good.
  • I'm up 18 pounds at 27 weeks. I've been watching what I eat and tracking my carbs, so my gain has slowed down within the past three weeks. I had an appointment yesterday with one of the other OB's at the office, and she seemed surprised with my regular OB's weight plan for me. (He wanted me to lose 10lb to get down to 220,…
  • I'm due on November 16th!
  • I'm up 17 pounds at almost 25 weeks. I didn't gain much until I hit the 18 week mark, and then it started piling on. My doctor said he would prefer if I maintained the weight I'm at now, since I was a little overweight to begin with. So frustrating!
  • This is my favorite: Brownberry sandwich thin Laugh Cow light swiss spread on one side Roasted Red Pepper Hummus on the other side Tomato or Cucumber in the middle. Very satisfying!
  • Name: Erica Hubby/Partner: Bryan How many kids do you have: Currently, just three cat babies. Due Date: November 16th, 2012 Do you know the gender: It's a girl! Have you picked out the baby's name: Evelyn Rose Where do you live: East of Cleveland, Ohio Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Yoga and walking. I've got a bad…
  • Hey everyone! I'm due November 16th, and just rejoined MFP. My one hour glucose test came back a little elevated, and honestly I'm not surprised. My first 20 weeks I gained 3 pounds, and then it avalanched- and I'm up 17 in the matter of a month. Right now I'm waiting to get my 3 hour test scheduled, but thought I'd might…
  • Thanks everyone. :] Still have a long way to go!
  • Hi there! I don't really have any official "before" and "after" photos. I am 6'1. On the left, I am at approximately 228. On the right I am at 203. My legs and hips are still about the same, I've lost in the waist and my face though. It's hard to be a tall lady losing weight. It doesn't really show at first- and it's kind…