

  • I am COMPLETELY the same way. When my boyfriend compliments me, I want to believe him - but I never do, even if I'm not feeling bloated and gross. I almost wonder if it's a defense mechanism...I don't know. I wonder similarly: "How can he *possibly* think that of me?" I am glad he thinks that seeing as I'm at a terrible…
  • Hi, Wendy! I'm Lyn - I'm also a binge/emotional eater. Nights are also my worst after I get home from work. ALWAYS. I hate it. You should read my blog because I relate perfectly to you. Do you have IM or e-mail, you could even text me if you wanted - I know how HARD it is when you have the urge! Harder than anything it…
  • Hi, I'm Lyn. I'm a binge-eater. I started using MFP on 10/1, and I went 6 days until I binged last night. I was SO stressed about life, work, etc...very upset about some things. I so wanted to do this MFP perfectly, not binge again - so after only 6 days you can imagine how upset I was. I nearly thought I would have an…
  • Love all the kind responses, keep them coming! Does anyone have AIM anymore? I was thinking it would be a HUGE help if anyone had IM and I could talk when I'm trying to get past cravings. This addiction is so bad. Even at work, or driving home I start thinking about it. It's insane. I feel like it's a monster inside of me.…
  • May I shamelessly ask you all to follow my blog? I would appreciate the comments be there as I go along :) And of course, messages welcome!
  • You guys are awesome, thank you for being so kind! It would be easy to judge my story. There's so many details I didn't touch on, because how do you sum up your life in one post? You can't. I forgot to mention I was even heavier when I originally joined MFP in June 2011, a whopping 242 lbs. Now I'm 225 lbs. I also forgot…
  • Hi, Jacqui- My name is Lyn (and as you can see from my User ID, I dream of going to Ireland as it is part of my heritage). It's too ironic to me that you mentioned Christmas, which is why I felt I must reach out to you and reply to your post. I was at work and I had thought on September 25 that I would love to lose 25 lbs…