Not to burst anyone's bubble, but when I worked at Torrid, I was told by the GM that the bras we sold and the bras @ LB were the exact same. She told me to keep my mouth shut when a lady asked me about the LB bras. Good luck!
It's my first mother's day this year, and YES I'm taking a meal off. Not the whole day, but I told my hubby that if I could go all week (this was last Friday) w/o cheating on my diet and I work out everyday then I AM going to go out for Mexican food w/NO guilt. But, it is just for the meal. I still plan on going to the gym…
bump :o)
Great job on getting through your first week! 5 lbs is a wonderful achievement!!!! Keep up the wonderful work.
I would want to say soft...just b/c I think the hard ones are fried. A soft shell that I ate the other day had 59 calories per shell. Plus, use either ground turkey w/seasoning or chicken instead of ground beef. Sounds yummy!
That sounds DELICIOUS!!!! Bananna Icecream w/a spoonful of peanut butter and some chocolate!!!! MMMMM...I'm gonna go try that ASAP
Eat some fruits or veggies. I just had some strawberries and they barely have any fat and some calories. I needed some more calories too. HTH