

  • I may switch to that , currently im using AMP recovery and it has at least 200 calories , but tastes like Yoo - Hoo so Its my nighttime snack ! And so far I feel it works great. Today is day 6 and its the first day im not really Sore . almost scared i didn't do enough last night because I feel so good today.
  • Today is Day 5 , and so far so good , I wake up sore and think there is no way im going to be able to do a workout that day but somehow I do and it makes me feel great. Tonight is Pure Cardio and im super scared lol ( my co-worker stated there was no breaks ) Im doing this with my fiance and both of us are eager to…
  • Hi Everyone , My name is Danielle I am 33 from Long Island NY , and I'm on day 5 of Insanity . My finance and I are doing this to get in better shape for our upcoming wedding. I don't think I could do this without him and I commend those who are doing this alone. That's dedication. We have been trying to follow the meal…