

  • i love cottage cheese with cherry tomatoes, drained tuna, and spinach! it makes a very tasty salad. I also think the quality of the cottage cheese really matters - I think it's worth it to spend a few more dollars on a high quality cottage cheese, as it makes eating it much more pleasurable.
  • hi! will be starting my masters in the fall (in england), so looking to continue my weight loss, and eventually maintain my weight, while studying. feel free to add!
  • drinking aloe vera GEL!? I live in Korea and we drink aloe vera juice (little pieces of aloe vera are in it), but i've never heard of drinking gel. Surely it isn't the same kind you put on your skin haha? I'm very curious about this!
  • It's supposed to be 1200, and if I don't workout then I usually go over. I always eat back my exercise calories, which makes me WANT to exercise so I can eat more haha!
  • i've gotten hugh grant before, which in a sense is flattering even though i'm a female haha. otherwise, no celebrity comparisons!
  • Actually, I do believe that muscle and fat weigh the same, it's just that muscle is denser than fat. But I figure if the weight loss is slow then it will be easier to maintain in the long haul!? It sounds like you're being really healthy and doing a great amount of exercise, so keep up the hard work and it will pay off…
    in Slowly Comment by m1zk0 July 2011
  • I'm 150 now, a size 8, and am aiming for 130. Come December I'd like to hit between 120-125, and then see from there. I haven't been 130 since grade 11, which was 6 years ago, but if other people can do it I sure as hell can!