angfish Member


  • I've been interested in SUP lately and a friend shared this site with me...
  • I used it as a substitute for sour cream. In egg salad or tuna salad I substitute about 3/4 amount of mayo I would use with plain greek yogurt. AND...I ran across a recipe for "slim potato casserole" that uses it in place of butter, sour cream and condensed soup on pinterest.
  • I run better outside...faster and longer. and it kinda sounds like you're psyching yourself out a bit. You can do this. You ARE doing it. Keep it up and in a few weeks your hardest run now will seem like the easiest run ever :)
  • That sounds like A LOT of cereal and milk....take into consideration that, if you've been much more disciplined lately, this "reward" will make you feel sick to your stomach....for good reason!!! stick to the recommended serving size and spread your calories out through the day in good and healthy calorie choices. unless…
  • Could swimming be an option? I've read a few articles lately about the benefits of yoga for people with a history of back injuries. Hope you get some relief very soon!
  • :laugh: Its true!!
  • making milk burns tons of calories!! The baby weight will melt off you at first...just be aware that over time you'll be making less milk and will need to adjust your calorie intake/exercise level. Ask your doc at your follow up visit what your calorie intake should be... you definitely don't want to reduce your nutrition…
  • I love smoothies! I was so unsure of what ingredients to use at first but through trial and error I've learned to love them! Some of my favorite ingredients...frozen strawberries, bananas, and pineapple, greek yogurt, fat free milk, peanut butter, instant coffee crystals (you could freeze coffee into cubes too), orange…