raquelfisher7 Member


  • CPPeace, the restaurant meal was pretty high in sodium! Saltiest pizza I have ever had in addition to the hot dog from the Halloween TOTing event earlier that day. I felt so badly! I feel like upping calories may be the right thing to do but I'm worried about the results if it was the wrong choice, especially since I feel…
  • Woah, thanks for the replies ladies (and cwolf)! I'm doing a Salad a Day Challenge this week, so that should help. I will try increasing my calories for this week and see what happens, I really like the idea of trying calorie cycling. I would have to adjust calories on the over days because if I'm over my calories, I feel…
  • Thanks for the reply! I agree, that makes sense about being dehydrated. Probably a huge part of the problem was feeling like I WAS that weight and having it taken away. I always weigh and measure, but obviously I didn't when we were out to dinner. My estimates and calculations may have been off, but not that much. In order…
  • I'm in a similar boat. Following : )
  • Thank you! The information about the relationship between fat and muscle made so much sense and cleared up a ton of confusion! I think I may need to lose more weight first and then work on changing my body once I get there. I was concerned about being too late because I have read a few comments about people regretting not…
  • Lindustum- Yes! Thank you : ) Frankl27- I chose one activity below what I actually do. I think it was the 3-5 workouts vs the 6-7, although I am a pretty active SAHM in addition to going to the gym M-F working out for an hour at least and burning between 500-700 calories. After my hour of cardio I already do some amount of…
  • Thank you! I truly appreciate your advice, it has given me some great feedback and insight. Again, thank you for being so supportive and encouraging.
  • My last baby just turned one and I'm about the same weight I was at when I was full term .... holy crap that was a horrible realization! Thanks a lot babies! I didn't gain much with either baby but I tend to hang on to the weight, although I did have a little bit of weight loss with breastfeeding each girl. I'm on the…
  • I don't really have much advice to offer but I'm in a similar situation having just started and wanted to let you know that I feel ya! So frustrating! Until two weeks ago I had the activity level of a sloth so the huge changes in diet and exercise seem like they should paying off more quickly than they are, right? Keep…
  • Thank you : ) You can definitely tell those who are annoyed by newbie/ "easy" answer questions from the truly supportive people!
  • THANK YOU! When I set it up I did honestly think I had the activity level of a sloth because I didn't exercise, on purpose anyway, but I am moderately active as a SAHM. I do quite a bit of running around now that I think about it. Adjusting my goals now... I still feel like 50 lbs is a long way to go, but again I'm so new…
  • Thanks for the perspective, it's easy to forget that 6 lbs is still something to be proud of. No, not building muscle. I want to continue to lose a little more before taking on the task of trying to learn and adjust to new information for building muscle. I'm still figuring out the weight loss part : )
  • The change is just incredible! Awesome job : ) ....off to the gym now!
  • I'm a 24 year old SAHM with two little girls, 1 and 3. My husband is changing his eating habits and working out along with me 5 days a week, as he's a realtor and has a flexible schedule. We've been at it just over a week. I have been really satisfied even eating significantly less calories than I did before. I feel like…
  • You look amazing! Great job : )