janal Member


  • I agree with this advice. I too has a light bulb moment and starting changing my life style. I lost over 50 pounds. At first my husband was completely unsupportive and very negative about what I ate or cooked for the family. He gave me the cold shoulder when I would leave the house the walk or exercise. He needs to lose…
  • I like the crock pot oatmeal. It makes a large amount and it cooks over night. I use 2 cups oats (usually steel cut) and 4 cups of water and Blue diamond unsweetened almond milk (combined). I add cinnamon, nutmeg, honey or agave nector. I use either apples or pears and cook on low over night. It makes a weeks worth of…
    in Oatmeal Comment by janal March 2014
  • Thank you for your input. I am finally on track (55 pounds lost) and back on fitness pal to support a family member!