

  • Oops sorry i didnt realize you have food isues. If you have a bad relationship with food try reading this book, crap i tried finding it. I believe its called diet solutions by isabel de rios? I to have always struggled with food but found this book and realized you need to feed your body nutrition to be healthy. The book…
  • Do you eat alot of wheat? Bread, pasta. If you do you could be sensitive to wheat/ or gluten. it can make you feel very bloated. Try not eating it for a week or two. It bothered me so i dont eat much of it anymore
  • Hi i am 5"8 and weigh 142. I was at my goal weight (130) 9 weeks ago. But had a mommy makeover. Tummytuck and breast implants. I am happy with the results, but felt much better at my goal weight. I am now working my butt off to feel great again. But man when you stop working out for six weeks you have to start all over…