

  • welcome! you're gonna love it here!
  • i just came on to log in how bad i did yesterday and then i read this..i swear i did the same exact thing..i've been militant about eating for the last 2weeks and yesterday, i went awol..mozz. sticks, chicken wings, cookies, brownies, birthday cake, icecream..i was a mad woman.. now that we've got that out of the way..…
  • Hi Joe, I'm new here too.. Thank you for keeping us safe!
  • Hi, I'm new here. My name is Tracy and I'm trying to lose the 25lbs I've put on since I quit smoking last year. I live just outside of Boston with my dh, 3 kids and 3 cats. They say when you quit smoking you'll have all this extra energy and feel so great..well let me tell ya..the extra lbs aren't making feel "great" or…
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