

  • I love using my french press && i rarely ever drink drip coffee (cold brewed) to me, it just tastes soooo much better when its made with the press.. when i put cream/ sugar in my coffee, which is rare, i use organic sugar (im just not that into the substitutes, however i only use 1 tbs so its not like im getting too many…
  • i am the same way...sometimes i get caught up with work that it slips my mind to log in...i will try && do better (:
  • Starting weight 203 current 194...lw - is that lowest weight? If so, its 74
  • Heyy... I'm Jamie && I'm from Ohio...currently living in Kentucky. I joined MFP bc I can't afford WW or anything like that so since I have this app on my phone, I figured it would be easier to stay on track since I am never without my phone. I got side tracked with some funerals... && wasn't really in the right frame of…
  • Heyy... I missed last weigh in due to 2 funerals in one week... Let's see...last weigh in, I was 195... I will update this Sunday (:
  • i also was unable to weigh in on sunday, i was so busy that i simply lost track of days lol So, I weighed my self today ...i am at 195
  • sunday sounds like a good day to me...happens to be my only day off work too lol