

  • Hey yall, I am 5 foot 9.5 inches. I currently weigh 174.5 lbs and would like to get to 150-155. It feels like a long way to go but for YEARS I maintained between 150-155 and a solid size 8 and looked and felt great. So I know I could do it again. The smallest I ever got was 142, and while I didn't think I looked like I…
  • I agree with this, especially about the asstart part. You are a young girl with your stuff together, and the morons in your office are trying to bully you, I am sure out of jealousy. It sounds to me like you have a solid case of harrassment on your hands. If you are getting your work done, and not abusing bathroom breaks…
  • Many of us can relate to this conundrum. A trick I sometimes do is to pour whatever I'm drinking over the food on my plate that I dont want to eat, whether it be the remaining portion or something like fries or chips that came with my sandwhich at a restaurant. Trying to just cover the food, or not eat it, or just eating…
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