honorwarren Member


  • I Love this!!! I like to think of mine as bags of dog food :-) I lost one bag and am working on my second. My goal is to Lose ten bags of dog food :-) doesn't sound as crazy as 200 pounds!!
  • To find your target heart rate you take 220 minus your age and then times 80% (example: I am 27 so 220-27 is 193 times 80% is 154, so while doing Cardiovascular exercise my heart rate needs to be right at 154 beats per minute. To really burn the calories you need to be in this zone for 20-30 minutes at a time. Studies have…
  • DONT GIVE IN!!! You have an addiction, DON'T GIVE IN! In my opinion you should have sent the leftovers home with the birthday guests...but it's to late for that now so it needs to be gone! If your family doesn't understand that then they need to get on the bandwagon. Being overweight is shortening your lifespan. So do you…