

  • You gotta keep it up. I've been working out and dieting for 7 months... and I've only lost 12 lbs. That's not even 2 pounds a month. I got discouraged a lot, but I kept it up. I also can't weigh myself in the weeks before/during my menstrual cycle, because that makes my numbers look even worse. But even though the scale…
  • I don't think you should weigh yourself every day. Hide the scale and only weigh yourself once a week at most. Also, you might want to take your measurements if you haven't already. If you're exercising more, you could be burning off any lightweight fat and turning it into heavier muscle. I've been the same weight for over…
  • I say the same thing as above. Processed food has horrible sodium content. Fresh fruits and veggies are awesome low-cal low sodium options. Those lean frozen dinners aren't as healthy as people might think they are. One tip I always follow is stick to the outer perimeter of your grocery store. For all of the grocery stores…