

  • Raw Almonds sockeye salmon halibut spinach Better n' Peanut butter Plain greek yogurt Eggs Turkey Breast All sorts of spices Tomatoes
  • I am on my P90x third cyle. My advice to the new P90x users are: Weigh your self daily first thing you wake up. Follow the Diet plan as tight as possible. Results vary from each individual but for me it happened in two weeks. But i had friends that did not see it after a month. For some P90 x users this discourages them.…
  • all i am trying to say is you can do it if you choose to tackle the program. I am not attacking people who does not want to try it. I am all for trying any other the best suit your lifestyle and your schedule. All i am saying is it worked for me and i want to let everyone know that it is not just any other informercial. I…
  • PROs: It gives you a workout plan It gives you a diet plan It tells you to modify and quality vs quantity Hit pause if you have to Cons: Its hard It takes discipline and dedication. The real question is how bad do you really want to be fit?:) Just press play and forget about it. Modify modify and modify:)
  • cardio workout is actually beneficial first thing in the morning because it revs up your metabolism through out the day. But cardio at any time of the day is ok but recommended first thing when you wake up.
  • P90x is defenitely an intense workout and requires dedication and descipline. Before getting yourself into any fitness program ask yourself first how committed you are. The P90x program works if you follow it religiously. Make the time and make the change. It is hard because it works. You can't get the flat abs without…
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