rvanderpool3 Member


  • I think drinking water is ideal. But to suggest that anything other than water does not count as a fluid is ludicrous in my opinion. As I said, water is ideal, but even water can be bad for you in too high a quantity. Keep everything in moderation and you should be fine. For me, it has served me well to steer clear of…
  • I would suggest just giving it a try. Is there some limitation preventing you from running(physical limitation, place to run, etc...)? To me, actual running is much easier than running in place(physically and mentally). If you can run in place for 10 minutes, there is probably no reason you couldn't run a couple of miles.…
  • I have seen my weight change in bursts depending how the various biological factors have aligned(water weight, etc...). The bottom line is, don't get so caught up in the scale. As long as you are meeting your calorie goals, you will consistently lose fat(not always weight). I have been on my journey for a year and half…
  • I think it is great to have a free day(or atleast a free meal) every so often. To me, being healthy is about more than losing weight. It is about learning to enjoy the things you love in moderation. You have to reward yourself every now and then for all the hard work!
  • As long as you are consistent, you can do it!! To me the key is to not totally deprive yourself of the things you like. As long as you have the calories to have a treat, have that treat!! I started my journey about a year ago and it has transformed my life. You can do it too!!
  • I think it is the Splenda. I either take my coffee black or with splenda. I think your body actually reacts to the taste of "sweet" and produces an insulin response as a result(atleast that is what I have read).
  • I have lost 93lbs with MFP. You can do it!!
  • I started running back in November and have completed 2 half marathon distance runs. Much like you, I also run about 4 miles a day with a couple of 5+ runs sprinkled in. There are some days when I can barely make 3 miles. I think that sometimes your body needs a break from hard training. Usually, the bad days are sign that…
  • I have read that there is a small advantage to exercising before breakfast, but honestly unless you are trying to shave off that last percent of body fat, it really doesn't matter. Personally, I exercise when I can. I HATE running in the mornings, so I run at 11PM at night. Sometimes I run a little extra so I can have ice…
  • If there is one thing I have learned, keeping up with the pack is irrelevant. As long as you pushed as hard as your body could, you did the best you can. I started out running a 13 minute mile and I am now down to a 7:30 mile. Some nights, I just don't have what it takes to run quickly and back off to a 9 minute mile. Keep…
  • I tried the same thing. I was eating about 1200 calories a day for 3 or so weeks. I lost about 7 pounds the first week and stopped losing after that. I think the point is, losing weight is not a race. There is no need to come in several hundred calories below your goal or even meet your goal every single day. This is a…