

  • My preference is Meso. I think mainly because their body is balanced usually. Just enough muscle in the right places. Not top heavy, not too thick in the waist, usually a nice taper and not meat head looking with no neck. Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) comes to mind.
  • GNC Total Lean protein shakes. To me they are some of the best tasting ready to drink shakes I have tasted. Plus they are low carb.
  • Northwest Louisiana here!
  • As much as I wish I could say 20s....33 here!
  • This is what I mean. If when you bend or twist and you have a "roll" and not still flat you are chubby. That's crazy! This girl is not overweight or chubby but because you can pinch some fat on her and she's not super lean either by diet or exercise she is labeled fat. That is the biggest problem. That to me is the bigger…
  • http://www.skinnygossip.com/kate-upton-is-well-marbled/ This article right here has me so enraged. They go as far as to criticize her boobs. "floppy boobs" or something like that. Apparently because she has natural larger breasts instead of fake ones that's a strike against her too. Yes she's more of an average small not…
  • I think she looks great AND i think this pic is proof that Sports Illustrated doctored her swimsuit pics to make her look skinnier. She looks more real here.
  • If I already have it on like in the eveing, no I don't wash it off to work out. But for the most part I exercise in the morning. I do not put on make-up to go to the gym. What a waste of money first off because you sweat and wipe it off. I am not there to look pretty.
  • This is exactly the way it is for me. I live in Louisiana. I have a very country accent and people will giggle and repeat back a word trying to sound like me. It can get irritating and sometimes it feel demeaning like they think I am dumb because I sound like this. What's funny to me is alot of times they don't sound funny…
  • I need to argue this some. To me those women can be to an extreme as well AND for the most part have alot of fakeness going on. Hair, tan, boobs and the extreme low bf% can leave some looking sickly. Boobs don't even look natural on those women. Look like boulders perched on a ledge. I think muscles on a woman are just…
  • Quoted for truth! WE (women) got all excited for the rare movie that was all about male nudity and saw more female nudity than male. So far the closest to equality in nudity in a movie/show has been the Spartacus series off Starz. Male nudity about in that one....frontals included!!
  • The thing I wonder the most about is What If I had been born naturally skinny and hadn't been chubby or overweight most of my life. Second to that is What If I hadn't had children so young.
  • I think there is worse. I have used it a few times. The ones that touch a nerve for me is "my old lady" and "my old man". I think that is more disrespectful and I cringe every time I hear it.
  • I have seen them commercial that. I hope I remember to tune in.
  • I am just now seeing your strip club comment. I also see this all the time around here. The men wanna drag the girls to strip clubs where the entertainment is obvioius. A good number of women oblige them. There are no male strip clubs around here. Do you really think the men would be as kind to return the favor if there…
  • I think it's ridiculous to be worrying that your man is interested in half naked men because he will watch it with you. How many films do we watch with completely nude women all the time and nobody is labeling all the women who see it lesbian or bisexual. I really get tired of the homophobia towards men in general. Maybe…
  • A number that I think I can maintain sanely! And possibly be in single digit clothing. Possibly
  • Old Wisconsin Turkey Sausage Sticks...yummy
  • 6 months! But I think my husband was whispering to hid mom after about 3 or 4 months! She must have looked at him crazy because I know I would if a friend told me they were wanting to marry someone after just a few months. I guess he knew something I didn't because we are working on 11 years of marriage now.
  • i just thought about this. I had a "friend" who got all pissy about my MFP posts on FB. The only thing I let MFP post about is my exercise. I exercise 5 days a week so there is one every day M-F. I also let MapMyRun post my walks/jogs/runs. She went as far as to post on her FB wall something to the effect of "Some people…
  • How about the ones that try to guilt you in to posting religious stuff. "95% of my friends won't repost this...are you one of the 5%..........." All but saying that if you don't share this your ashamed of god and you'll go to hell. I want to flame those posts so bad but I fight the urge.
  • That's crappy! I work part time at the gym I was already a member of. I am a size 14. Only thing my boss required of me was to work on my fitness. (basically work out) He has never told me I needed to be or get to a certain size, only that I work on my fitness. Seems reasonable to me. But actually I am not surprised that a…
  • I don't know where you all live but there are NO male strip clubs in my neck of the woods. There are 3 T-Bars, a Hooters and a place called Double D's. It's all about women around here. Definitely a man's world here in Louisiana. So yeah you can bet all the women are buzzing about this movie! So funny how when once in a…
  • I record whatever the scale says each day whether it be a gain or loss.
  • Every morning when I wake up except on Saturday and Sunday. I have somehow convinced myself this mental holiday because i stress over it alot.
  • My husband and I have been going through this for years. Everyone we have meet over the years either didn't have kids or had kids from a previous marraige so they had way more free time than us. We would get last minute phone calls saying 'hey we are going out to dinner or the club can you meet up tonight". Of course we…
  • I had my first child at 19 (unplanned) and my second one at 23. I would probably say wait. Live a little (ok ALOT) before venturing down that path. Having children changes everything. You no longer go and do as you please when you please. You have to make sure they will be taken care of first and after the initial newness…
  • Yes HUMAN was my first thought. I am lost. What are we talking about?
    in Donor Meat Comment by Rjdj3530 June 2012
  • My husband says yes. I am more of the lust at first sight. :blushing:
  • I had the same thing happen to me after the birth of my first son. I was only 19 and so was the friend that made the comment. I bet she don't even remember saying it but I know now it was ignorance on her part. We were young and I guess she assumed, baby out tummy goes flat. LOL No! It took 9 months to stretch it out that…