

  • we realize this is a kate moss quote that was a pro-ana mantra for a while, right?
  • beethedreamer...........................181.4...............................................178.4..................................................165 160poundgirl..............................205.2...............................................205.2..................................................180 Catherine…
  • I completely agree that it's not a good idea to have these types of foods lying around, however not having these things is not possible: 1. I live with my boyfriend, who is 6'4" and 165 pounds (that's a BMI of 18 or something). Not only can he eat whatever he wants, I often wish he would eat more! 2. I LOVE baking and…
  • This is really great advice. For example this afternoon, we had 2 pieces of leftover tiramisu in the fridge. I SHOULD have just taken out a small portion to indulge. Instead, I took out the entire thing and took a spoon to it. Within 5 minutes, I had eaten both pieces! Portion control is definitely more important than…
  • My name got lost in the traffic :) beethedreamer..........................181.4...............................................181.4..................................................165…
  • I really hope it's not too late to join. i just started using MFP today! I've been trying to lose just 4 pounds for FOUR MONTHS, and instead have gained 3! I need some motivation, and hoping i can find it here. Name...................................Starting Weight.............................Current…
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