nici94 Member


  • I have the same problem. I go for runs on the days I work and have no problem hitting 20000 steps. But on days off I maybe hit 6000. I have been trying to add short walks on my days off though. Some days it works.
  • To me it does taste really full of chemicals. I couldnt even finish my cup of coffee I put it in.
  • I bring veggie and fruit trays to work with me. If I keep my co-workers fed then they arent tempted to order pizza so then I dont cave. Many of them have switched over now to eating healthy now so we take turns beinging healthy snacks.
  • I kind of did it last night but I know I didn't do it hard enough since I was able to walk today. I do it at work and usually I woulds bring my weights back and forth but I forgot them last night and then again tonight.. I'm going shopping in the morning to pick up a set of weights just for me to leave at work.
    in Check in Comment by nici94 March 2012
  • I'm Nikki, 27. I use to be really good with using MFP and did the 30DS in Nov. Then my computer broke and I stopped using it. Then yesterday I stepped on the scale for the first time and realized I gained 4 lbs since then. I still have 10lbs to get to my pre baby weight. I do great with working out when I'm in a group
  • I haven't been on in a long time since my computer decided to crash. Its at the doctors so hopefully I'll be back soon. I'm still shredding though although I have skipped a couple days so I did L3D2 today. Or I guess I should say yesterday since it is 230am. I wish I had a smart phone so I could log on on my phone but it…
  • L2D6 done. well, Kind of. I think that someone didn't want me to complete it. First for some reason my DVD player wouldn't play it so I played it in the computer and my daughter hid one of my shoes, Finally found it in the laundry basket. I'm in the middle of buying a house so I kept getting interrupted by the bank calling…
  • That was my plan for when we were done.
  • Any video store should be able to do it for you, it doesn't have to be a blockbuster.
  • L2D2 done. I'm so happy I'm in this group since I don't think I would have made it this far without you guys. On days I really want to skip it I make myself because I don't want to let you guys down. On a side note. My daughter started walking yesterday so now I really am going to be kept on my toes.
  • L2D1 done. I was surprised it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I wonder what I would have been saying if I just started doing level 2 without level 1. I would have been dying and never made it through it. I'm surprised I'm on day 11 of a workout. This is about 10 days longer then I have ever lasted with working out.
  • Day 9 done. I was getting close to not having it done though on time. I got done with it at 1128p. My boyfriend told me my *kitten* is getting firmer. No more saggy butt. I also did 8 real push ups each time. I did hae to finish up with the girly pushups but that is more than I have ever done before.
  • Day 8 done. I picked up a day shift today, I normally work nights. I don't know how you ladies who work days all the time do it. I woke up at 430 so I could work out. I'm dying now and could really use a nap. But, I have to work til 7p. Yesterday I put a pair of pants on and realized I needed a belt. In July I couldn't…
  • I don't think I have posted on here for the last couple days but I did complete Day 5,6, and 7. I doubled up yesterday to make up for missing Saturday and I was going to double up today to make up for Sunday but I was so sore today I think I'm only going to do one and make up the second one tomorrow or Thursday. My 10…
  • I was just more disappointed in myself since I was determined not to skip any days. Although I was pretty proud of my self this morning for skipping the carmel rolls that the kitchen put in the break room. That part was hard since I could smell them all morning and they smelled delicious. Although I was eyeing them but I…
  • I feel like I'm going to get in trouble for saying this but I skipped today. I had to work from 630p Friday night and got off at noon saturday day had to be back to work at 630p and have to be here til noon tomorrow. I also have an hour drive so I decided to take my free time to sleep. Although even though I skipped I went…
  • I have that problem too. Yesterday I was up 1.9 pounds even though I have been eating great and working out more. I am going to start only weighting myself every monday. Then that way I'll see a bigger weight loss every time.
  • Day 1 completed. I did do it a couple days last week but I'm not going to count those since I used those as my warm up days since it has been a while since I worked out before. It is already getting easier. I only half wanted to die at the end and the only break I took today was when my daughter took them remote and…
  • I'm stuck at work too. Only 10 and a half hours left. Wish I didn't have to be here and could be home in bed but bills have to get paid. I'm a private nurse so I don't even have a fun job. Have to sit on a couch all night and watch someone sleep. It gets really old some nights just trying to stay awake.
    in up late? Comment by nici94 October 2011
  • I"m on it. It is not a fad diet it just teaches you the right way to eat. The first 17 days are the strictest then you are allowed to eat more as you go on. For the first 17 days you basically just stick to fruits, veggies, lean meats, and dairy. I have never been hungry on it compared to other diets where you are starving…
  • I'll join too. I did it on Wednesday and was going to do it again tonight. I skipped yesterday since I was so sore from it. I also thought peeing was the worst. There were a few times I thought I would have to call my boyfriend in to come help me get up. I need to get back in shape from having my baby. Although she is…
  • I just started it today. I was on it for 17 days in July and lost 10 pounds but then I went on vacation and decided to take a break from it and never started it back up when I got back.
  • I have lost 1 lbs since the start of this!! I am now in the 150's!! OK its 159 but I still love seeing that the second number is lower. I haven't been very good at working out since I'm on a stretch of 5 nights but since I'm a nurse that is still 12 hours of running. My plan for work was to go to the therapy room on my…
  • My feel good for today was taking a nap. It was nice but not nearly long enough since I had to get up to go to work.
  • Is there me room for me too?? I'm starting at 161. My want to get to my prepregnancy weight of 145.