Tell the worlds deadliest joke
I've lost 53 lbs, and I haven't had a one night stand yet. Of course, I'm married, and my wife would kill me.
As a guy, and one with a hairy chest, I approve of this topic wholeheartedly.
great job, gentlemen
When you talk about "the cost of food", and you mean calorically, not monetarily. When your daughter asks "Daddy, can you afford this?", and SHE means calorically, and not monetarily. When out to eat with your co-workers, and they copy your lunch order, so they can talk about how they are counting calories
Best. Pic. Ever.
I did Insanity, and it is difficult,(to say the least). The best support I can offer is to take a moment during the workout when you HAVE to, not when you WANT to. But, and this is important, get back to work as soon as you physically can, even if it is tough, at a tough exercise, or you are absolutely drenched in sweat.…
Getting started is easy, the hard part is committing to the action. When you wake up "tomorrow", know that this is the tomorrow you were referring to. Then just take it a meal at a time, an hour at a time, a moment at a time. Start with a smart breakfast, know that the 1/2 cup of oatmeal and egg whites will be there just…
"Being happy boils down to three things. Something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to." "Get busy living, or get busy dying" --Andy Dufresne