jptrgrl1111 Member


  • MFP is an awesome site! The people here are amazing and the tools are simple and very helpful. Feel free to add me to your friends. Having the support of people going through the same efforts that you are helps more than I ever gave it credit for!
  • Hi there! I started at the end of May at 224 the heaviest I've ever been and a snug size 18 at 5'7" (well almost 7", nobody will ever give me that last 1/4"...). I'm down to 194.5 as of today but NO idea what size I could squeeze into. The clothes in my closet ranges from a 6 to an 18 so every now & then I grab something…
  • Hi Rick, gotta love those long days followed by airport and hotel food! Gym? The hotel had a gym? Um yeah, at 2 am when I'm just finishing the work I SHOULD have done had I been allowed to be at my office the LAST place I'm headed is a gym! I've found sticking to a protein & veggies diet to be the most helpful strategy in…
  • Like everyone else, I agree that you must weigh and measure your food in order to get accurate calorie & nutrient counts. Also you say you are eating a lot of fruit, chocolate & cookies. These are all high in sugars which could be causing your insulin levels to be spiking. Try one week, a full 7 days, without these items…
  • I'm very late to this post after searching for women experiencing the same thing but saying that the pill will not make you gain weight is incorrect. I took it last Thursday and gained 1.5 lbs overnight eating approx 750 calories. I gained another 1 lb the next day eating the same and another .5 lbs the next day. My diary…
  • I was losing the exact same way you are doing the same type of dieting. Losing nothing for 2 weeks at a time then bam, 4 lbs overnight. I did that for 3 cycles and it drove me crazy! I switched to lean proteins & green veggies and started losing more consistently which helped my mental state to stick to it way more.…
  • If you know some of the favorite family meals or staple dishes that are usually served you can add all of the ingredients and create your own food so that you can log it later. Obviously you will then need to break it into serving sizes. It's a pain but worth it. And don't be afraid to share your findings with your family!…
  • "DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS" - absolutely LOVE it DeWitch!!! Lmao!
  • For me it's all about feeling better in my own skin and in my environment! I've been (and AM!) fat and I've been thin. I see - and more than see - I FEEL how much differently heavy people are treated everywhere. When I was thin (5'7", 140lbs), getting a new job was easier, making friends was easier, even shopping was…
  • I'm in! I haven't figured out how to work most of the features on mfp yet but will dedicate a liitle time time to it so I can be a little more open here. I'm down 23 lbs since may 29th so far so am hoping I can keep it up. This will b the 3rd, yes THIRD, time I'm aiming to lose 70lbs + and am truly intending never to do…