

  • Hello I am new..not sure what i am doing just yet..Thanks for your encouragement. Looking forward to seeing your post..:flowerforyou:
    in Hi! Comment by canarie740 September 2011
  • Hello like your post and understand where you are coming from as I am often the same way. I am new- 2nd time and do not know what I am doing yet. LOL I seem to need friendship more than i should because Jesus and my husband are my very very friends and that should be enough. I long for someone to talk with it seems like…
  • I need to do better than i do..Would enjoy having prayer warriors or telephone friends for support... If you need the same contact me..I am new here and do not know what I am doing just yet..but have heard many people have had success and it would be worth my while..I am also on face book.. Contact me if you would like for…
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