livelovelearn2011 Member


  • Welcome to Lindsey and Zehra! We keep getting more snow and ice here, and it is really affecting my motivation. I just want to hybernate! I am trying to get my 10000 steps in a day, and I workout at the Y on Mondays when my other kids are in swimming. However, that is the extent of my workouts. Eating- Around 13 weeks, I…
  • How are you ladies doing? We should all be between 12-16 weeks, I think! I was 16 yesterday, with a due date estimated now at July 2nd. I have been tracking about 1/2 my intake most days, as I just seem to forget or get busy. Trying to still workout or do a few quick yoga sequences throughout the day. How has your food/…
  • Chloe- I have Piyo that I have been doing on/ off since October! I like can be modified when needed, and is not hi impact, so I am hopeful that I will be able to continue doing it over the duration of pregnancy.
  • Sorry it is so big! How in the world do you control the size of a pic? I have never tried to post one before, haha.
  • Has anyone else been really bloated? I gained 4 pounds in about a week, and it is all bloat. Yesterday, I drank double my normal water, and watched what I ate, and it seems to be better today. Took my first selfie, which I hate doing, haha. Post a pic if you have started documenting yet!
  • Hi Trish and Kristy! Hoping for more energy for us all in the coming weeks. Trish- I want to have a big garden next summer and can/ freeze as much as possible. Hoping that all the plowing, planting, bending, weeding will keep me in shape during the last trimester!
  • Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well, and welcome to the newcomers. I am about 9 weeks now, and we told our kids and extended family about our new addition (number 5) over Thanksgiving. I was really scared, but everyone has been supportive. (Well, they say the normal snarky comments of 'Don't you have a tv?/ Understand…
  • Hi Bri! I love taking classes, but have been on a break for a few years. There is not much money in my field, but we have good benefits and tuition the whole package deal is decent. Diabetes is scary- my dad was diagnosed in his 50's. It is a struggle to maintain! I have been doing yoga for stress too:)…
  • Hi Nicole! Foot injuries are so difficult to get over- it seems like recovery takes a long time! And probably even harder with a few little ones to run around after! I really agree with the water. When I don't drink enough in the evening, I wake up really sick throughout the night. It is odd how it can affect you. Congrats…
  • I am about 8 weeks, and was still in the process of losing from previous pregnancy. For a few weeks, I have not logged. However, I would really like to start again! I think it helps me to make healthier choices (only one treat, instead of a half a bag!). Sounds like you are doing very well, and almost to the end! Good…
  • Congrats! I am entering the third trimester (27/28 weeks), so at the other end from you:) Thought I would watch closer, but time has escaped me, and tiredness has won out! Starting to track again, so feel free to add me for some diary inspiration:)
  • It is really easy to make your own. My recipe is pretty simple, but you could use it as a base. Mix 4 c. oats with 3/4 c. nuts. Melt 1 1/2 sticks butter in microwave. Mix 2/3 c. brown sugar, 2 T. maple syrup until all is melted. Pour over oats and nuts, and stir. Dump onto sprayed cookie sheet and bake 25 min. in 350…