

  • Ok first of all Don't use anything I mean Anything with it aspartame in it that includes splenda. I can tell you this You don't even have the bad side effects. The ingredeints in that is just basically Bleach. some of the side effects are really seirous. This is my major rant and I was really excited when I found out that…
  • Say that five times fast! lol. you make your spagetti sauce just like you normally would but instead of making noodles you boil up some Spagetti squash. My mom came up with that because I have alot of problems with grains and makes it hard for me to eat alot of our family favorites.I loved it let me know what you think.
  • I love Peanut butter too. I eat it by the spoonful :bigsmile: But I also like things that are organic. For me though organic peanut butter unless its the kind that you freshly grind it just doesn't work for me. I don't knwo what it is or why but regular peanut butter or the freshly grind.