sia12345 Member


  • I have had bad insomnia since 2000. I started meds in 2002 and I have been taking different kinds since then. I have tried just about everything. Now I am on melatonin and seroquel. Seroquel is an anti psychotic but I find that it helps getting me tired and that it stops my mind from racing. Problem is weight gain but I…
  • I am studying to be a clinical psychologist, which is a 6 year study. I am in my third year. This semester I have just finished up developmental psychology and testing of children, iq testing. Next semester I will be taking Group leading quantitative methods II Advanced social psychology Project social psychology…
  • Hello. I am 31 years old and from Norway. I have struggled with an eating disorder since I was 19, mainly anorexia. I have a lot of other mental issues as well because of it. I was self harming for quite some time untill my therapist made me stop most of my life threathening behavior. I dont think I would be alive if not.…
  • I am 31 and have suffered from numerous mental health issues since I was 19. First of serious anorexia for a number of years. Now it is chronic PTSD, borderline Personality disorder, dissociative disorder and so on. I have also been self injuring for a number of years and havent slept without meds since 2003. I have spent…
  • I have never voted like that, but we have not the 2 party system in Norway which I think makes it easier. It goes all the way from far left to far right. Its not that I am always happy with my Prime minister or the other ministers, but its only for a few things that are not that important to me. The things that I care most…
  • I am from Norway. I am a member of the Labour party here and very opinionated socialdemocrat. I am also active within the party and have some responibilities when it comes to local politics. I am very interested in health and wellfare mostly and would like to work within that field in politics when I am done with my…