megellcor71 Member


  • Well ....I've lost my fast mojo! Going to go for it today. I had very limited fast one week ago then the holidays killed me. 4 days of pretty much gluttony. If I can keep it to 700 cal today will call it a success. Coffee for breakfast, apple and miso for lunch and mini flatbread pizza for dinner. This will be 5 days with…
  • Finished a fast! I consistently hit 700 instead of 500. But, it feels so doable and easy and I will aim for 500 calories Thursday. I have a small breakfast and that is what sends me over the edge. I am looking forward to losing 1/2 pound this week! I will be thrilled With that. Mow, to avoid the temptations at work....…
  • Those cookies look amazing flumi. I love to bake but I am the only one who eats it so have had to not bake while trying to lose weight. Hope that with 5:2 I can one day have the things I crave... Christmas Cookies are top of list. I blew the whole week ... didn't really have a true fast day all week. But Monday and…
  • Difficult week of aborted fasts. Praying tomorrow that I maintain control!!!! That will make my week at least break even calorie wise! Ugggg I want to keep my momentum with fasting, must must must fast successfully tomorrow. New at this and I don't have the success under my belt yet and 40 lbs to lose
  • Day one of week #6 doing 5:2. Struggling with overeating on non fast days. It is sooo hard this time of year. But I am persevering! We all are! Hope everyone has a great week!!
  • that you do ballet! We all need to get out of our own heads every day! Great reminder. Ok... drumroll .....I lost ONE POUND! Seriously I am thrilled. The scale actually moved. Finishing Week 5 of 5:2. Loving this plan!
  • Great success stories flossi and mamainthe kitchen! I'm in week 5. Going to stay very focused today on not exceeding 500 calories. I keep hitting 600-700. I am also chugging more water. Hope everyone's day goes well!!
  • Successful fast day for me yesterday ...a little over but I felt totally in control. Amazing how hard it can be during TOM. Last week I felt barely able to make it through 1/2 fast day. I have done 5:2 for one month. I have tracked calories closely and activity as well. For one month I was down 2.8 lbs and a calorie…
  • Great inspiration with your photos flumi_f! WhaT a success story.
  • Well I went for my annul exam today. I'm healthy except for overweight. I was telling the practitioner about 5:2 intermittent fasting and she said "that sounds like the worst diet and it is terrible to restrict calories in a peri menopausal woman". Of course she then went on to tout eating every 2-3 hours and not getting…
  • Flumi_f... Good luck with kitchen and that is great you can run then shop getting in so much exercise! I haven't lost at all since following 5:2 but it is because I have overeaten on non fast days. Thanksgiving and the last two days have been hard. Almost binging. Can't decide if this is the fast days causing me to…
  • Thanks flumi_f! You are so helpful and welcoming. My stats now are 5'4 feet and 180. I am bad with kg (AMERICA still not metric enough!!) but I think I'm similar to where you were. I am very good about tracking Cals and TDEE. I seem to be eating around 2200 cal/day and TDEE is @2000. My two weeks so far on 5:2 are with…
  • Janetteluparia ... thank you so much for your words of encouragement. How fast did you lose weight and how much if you don't mind me asking? I am committed to this for sure. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head, I have literally struggled 7 days/week for years to try to cut back on calories AND IT NEVER WORKED ! 3…
  • 3rd week of 5:2. I know what to expect now... not scared about the fasting but very scared this won't work. I seem to be eating a bit more on my non fast days than I should be and than I usually do. I am not going to stop though!!
  • Well I had to abort my fast yesterday. I had horrific blood sugar plummet at work. I occasionally get this but only when I eat the wrong stuff, bread is the worst. Sweaty, shaking and nauseated. So I had to have some nuts and then decided to just finish the day with normal dinner and fasted today instead. Such amazing…
  • That is fantastic flumi_f. I am thinking of trying 3 fasts/week also. I feel strong again today doing my 3rd fast (starting 2nd week). But... went over my 500 again (650).! Hope I see a drop in the scale this week. I am also walking during week, 2 miles most weekdays and then spinning and body pump on weekend I noticed you…
  • I struggle with Why, because obviously whatever my why is, it has not been strong enough to keep me from overeating. My first week on 5:2 fasting days were a breeze... other days were way off because 3 days in Orlando at Disney parks makes eating normally very difficult. For right now my why is because I feel unhealthy and…
  • Finishing second fast day this week. Much less difficult than I anticipated. I had 600 cal today instead of 500 due to my miscalculation but I'm not going to stress about it! How exactly correct is everyone with their fasting day calories? I sure hope this works, I feel like it is my Hail Mary pass after 4 years of trying…
  • Flumi_f Thank you so much for your input. We have almost same stats (my goal weight and current is 182lb). I'm in no rush to lose the weight, just want to see the scale going down and not up!!! I have gained 30 lbs in 5 years and I feel awful, the worst part is the more I diet the more weight I gain! So today going to…
  • Started 5:2 today. Feel hopeful this will work. Just can't seem to lose any other way. I'm hungry and nervous! Would love to hear some real success stories. Read the book, hopefully the hunger goes away !
  • 1st day doing 5:2. I'm nervous but excited in a good way. Struggled with WW and. Counting calories to no avail for over a year. Can't lose weight due to always negating any calorie deficit with a few days of what I consider Normal eating. Hoping the calorie deficit of a fasting day will finally start some weight loss.…