Protein supplement for women, daily multi-vitamins and omega 3's but they tend to make me pretty gassy :laugh:
Amazing!! Cant wait until I can post before/after. Thanks for the inspiration!
The past week I've been in the same boat. I've indulvged, leaving me feeling guilty afterwards and well into the next day. I'm just going to try thinking about other things as I'm in bed and see how it goes. It worked for me before and then I fell into the habit. You may also not be getting enough vitamins or nutrients…
You can start out overweight and become anorexic... that also causes some serious weight problems not seen in average or normal weight anorexics. Either way anorexia is bad, bad, news.
You're not eating properly or exercising enough.
Congrats! You look fantastic!
She'll fall in love with him...and then probably be eaten by a zombie.
Wow what an amazing difference!! Congrats on the achievement, you look great!
Wow!! That's great.. Congrats!!
That's awesome!
Totally see the difference. You look gorgeous! Congrats!!
Great job! You look amazing!
Absolutely!!!! Try 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels along with your cardio and you`ll notice such an amazing difference after you complete it.
I'm completely with you!!! I was doing so good for awhile, getting up at 5am and going to the gym but I got in a slump and have tried going after work a couple times but it's just not happening. Cheers to early morning workouts!!!
Congrats! You look great!!!
Wow!! Amazing results. You must be so happy, congrats!!!
Yeah but it's got to be sending out bad self images to some little boy, somewhere....
Yeah, that'll do it...
I'm surprised this topic hasnt been shut down and all the commentors havent been spanked by a moderator yet.
I saw this on Facebook already. Stupid in my opinion and grasping at straws.
Wow thats incredible! Amazing work!
If your legs are in that much pain, have you tried doing the modified versions of the moves? Also, you may want to strecth your legs out more before and after the workout than she does in the video.
I'd always check the local flyers for sales/coupons but produce can be relatively affordable if you buy in season and in moderation (enough for the week or a few days so it doesnt spoil).
Welome aboard!!! You can totally lose 100 pounds in that time and congrats on your engagement!!!
I think about reaching my mini goals and my ultimate goal of bikini shopping. That always gets me going.