Lisajane76 Member


  • Count me in!! I will be doing Zumba for 1 hour this evening, as well as 45 minutes on the Elliptical! I need friends and motivation to stay on track!! I've only got 25 more to go until I'm at goal weight!! :heart: :heart: :happy:
  • I am a new runner as well. I started Couch to 5k and I am in the fourth week. I feel amazing. I have also registred for a 5k at the end of October. My goal is to be able to complete 3.1 miles then starting in october trying to "shave" some time off. I will never forget the day I ran a 10 min mile without stopping...most…
  • I have knee issues as well. particularly my left one. i had a slight tear in the minscus (misspelled) 4 months ago...hurt to walk or go up and down stairs. anyway... i would do advil, ice, elevation of it when possible and most importantly take it easy at the gym. also your IT band may be tight and needs to be stretched.…