Gossamer5 Member


  • I never eat my exercise calories. What would be the point? You're supposed to burn calories to lose weight so it wouldn't make sense to eat those calories. The point is is to lose the weight.
  • I also have a 2nd job that is about 2 hours of constant walking but I don't configure it into my activities or exercise. I figure it's an added bonus. I do enter any extra stuff I do not do regularly though.
  • It's not so much when you eat but what you eat. As long as you stick to a low calorie intake you should be fine. It's when you start indulging that puts the weight on.
  • Portion size is very important whether it's vegies & chicken or Potatoes & steak. There is an acceptable amount of food no matter what it is that we should portion. I have portioned my food for the last year and have lost nearly 100lbs. This is why people who eat a large giant salad don't lose weight. Even though it is…
  • Great Job!!! You look fantastic!! Keep up the good work. I'm in the same boat. I've lost 63 lbs. and have about 30-35 more to go!!
  • You should really stay away from any and all frozen foods as they are high in sodium which of course keeps the weight on you as it causes you to retain water. Make anything and everything as fresh as you can. Fresh fruits and veggies are the best.
  • If you come up with a solution, let me know. I feel for ya. I can barely move when I get off of mine!! LOL!!
  • You're supposed to eat a minimum of 1200 calories per day. If you go below that your body will go into starvation mode. You are better off setting your daily goal higher and bouncing your calories around to fool your body and you will lose weight. I have mine set at 2000 a day but I eat anywhere from 1200 to 1700 and…
  • You need to change up your calorie intake each day. Meaning, not to eat the same amount every day. I eat anywhere from 1200 to 1700 a day plus I change up my exercises. I don't do the same all the time. Your body will get used to the same thing and become "immune" so to speak and it won't lose any of the weight. Drink lots…
  • Thanks for bringing this up!!! I forgot I saw that on there awhile ago. I will have to check it out. It also reminded me that I have Billy Blankds taebo Dvd. I love Billy Blanks workouts!! He takes you through slowly so you've got the moves then picks up the pace. My kind of workout. Then I know the routine and can keep up…
  • I bought the bowflex treadclimber a couple of years ago. It is the TC3000. It is great!! It has 3 machines in one pretty much. A treadclimber, stepclimber and a treadmill. I paid around $2400 for it back then. I wanted something that was quality and would last. Mine doesn't have the heart rate monitor because it was around…