jennywat Member


  • Breakfast: 2 cream biscuits (homemade); coffee with 1 tbsp half & half Snack: Cantaloupe, 1 Dove chocolate, half of a cookie Lunch: grilled skirt steak, arugula & kale salad, raw beet and carrot salad Dinner: TBD
  • I was so sorry to read this, I have a diagnosed autoimmune condition that basically results in the same type of things as you are describing. Mine is TMEP and results in an excess amount of histamine in my system. It is a form of mastocytosis, but it is mild. I played the denial card for a while and in response to being…
  • Thank you so much for sharing this inspirational story! You should be so proud of yourself for the changes that you have made and being brave enough to try something different and make the change that made the difference for you.
  • You can add me, I have had the CORE armband for 2.5 years and I love it!!