Fantastic job! You look great; GO YOU!
I am 41 and have two kids, ages 2.5 and almost 6 (in October). I recent miscarriage brought me here. The extra cruelty of miscarriages, as some of you may know, is that your body continues to think it's pregnant until the next cycle . . . so, it continues to hoard calories until then! I gained 5 lbs two weeks AFTER the…
You really look fantastic! Well done!
I am 5' 6 1/2" and am currently at my highest non-pregnancy weight at 147. There is way too much giggling around the middle going on here for me and my clothes are not fitting well. I am normally al size 6. I am comfortable at 138 and my skinny weight is 126 . . . and I was 5" slimmer around both the waist and the hips at…