

  • Plenty of guys here, but just like in real life the ladies do most of the talking:bigsmile:. The tools available here have been invaluable to me in losing weight. I no longer am concerned when I shoot up a few pounds because I know how to handle it now. Keeping a consistent food diary is the key to success and this site…
  • The right answer is whatever works for you to keep you motivated. For me that means weighing daily but only recording if I show a loss, unless I go more than 14 days with a gain - then I'll record it. It works for me because when I have gains (everybody does), it gives me time to correct it before I have to make it…
  • Just guessing here, but "allenpearcy" may not have to worry about periods. I recently came out of a 10 day "plateau" and agree that you simply need to "keep plugging along" and you will eventually break through. Changing up what you eat or even eating a bit more for a day or so and then going back aggressive with the…
  • The app (Android for me) is great, in some ways even better than the website since the app saves search terms and makes finding previously searched-for foods easier. MFP's logging features, and other tools like my digital food scale have made it possible to learn to not deceive myself about what I eat each day.
  • I use my digital with tare function every day on all foods who's serving size is expressed in grams or oz. I keep a calculator handy to quickly compute number of servings: number of servings = weighed amount / serving size
  • Thanks for the replies. I know I can't believe my treadmill since it knows nothing about me except how high I climbed and how far I went. Sounds like all the HRM's just know gender, height, weight, age and of course bpm and just make assumptions on that - nothing more. So I guess I'll stay with the various free online…
  • Hmmm. So in my second example the worse-condition me who climbs 370 vertical feet in one hour (2% grade) consumes the same number of calories as the better-condition me who climbs 740 vertical feet in one hour (4% grade) – all other things being equal? That would assume the extra work done in climbing the additional 370…
  • I’m very sympathetic to your husband’s situation. Constant travel over my career is one of the reasons for the weight gain I’m now trying to lose. The two biggest factors he’s dealing with that make weight loss more difficult are time and control of meal choices. You made clear why he has little time for pre-preparing food…
  • I agree on the high calorie calculation for this site, so I typically use the database's "light" cycling level of 10-12 mph for calories although I average above 13 with my Giant Sedona hybrid.
  • Amazing indeed. I'm lucky enough to have a store nearby that carries it and I plan to give it a try soon.
  • Confused a bit by the calorie claim of 150 per pint vs. what the label says: 45 cal/serv. 4 servings per pint would suggest 180 calories.
  • The tare button is indeed a great convenience of the digital scale. I also find being able to switch from ounces to grams convenient as well, and making full use of these features saves much time and dirty measuring spoons. For the peanut butter sandwich example, where one serving of Smart Balance is 2 tbsp or 32g, I tare…
  • Sorry, I've got a problem using tax code for behavior modification as defined by politicians. I want to lose weight for my own reasons, I don't need some politician punishing me for not adhering to his goals.
  • I (so far) only record losses, but with a self-rule to keep it real. If I have a loss, I will record it regardless of when the last record was made, and start a mental, two week clock. During the first week I will only record again if I show another loss (and restart the clock). If there is no loss during the first week…
  • I think Stewie316 has it right. Fat content of 111 grams would be almost a quarter pound of fat, not likely in any waffle.
  • Be aware there is a high degree of variability in home blood glucose meter readings, so I wouldn't be too concerned about one test taken shortly after a large intake of a simple sugar. If you are going to take post meal spot checks, do so exactly 2 hours after your first bite, that way the readings you take will have more…