

  • Hello this week i am going to not drink wine and make log my food not weighed myself but think i have lost weight as my uniform feels less snug hope every one is going well Emma
  • Hi This week i was supposed to give up my glass of wine but failed miserably so far but have run x3 so far and had a little nsv as had to try a pair of jeans on have been in skirts all summer and they almost fit were far far to tight! good luck all
  • once again on yesterdays 5k i was slower i really felt i was trying but must up the midweek runs . will take my runners to work and try and go out at lunch . have done well on not finishing kids tea. this week i will cut out larger and only have 1 glass of wine . hope every one doing well.
  • Mormas i too not doing to well with the exercise just the school run . surely a bag of caramel nibbles cant be 800 they are so small !!
  • mmm didn't manage tread mill last night but will try harder this evening . doing a 5 k on Saturday and really want a PB as have got progressively slower the last 3 weeks in a row suspect i have put the weight back on hopefully upping the training will help the weight loss and make me go faster , in answer to the question…
  • So far so good , scrapped those plates into the bin and did 20 mins on the tread mill ! if only i can keep this up . i so want to lose weight.
  • Hi My name is Emma, I lost 7lbs early this year but have lost nothing since June .I would love to shift 2 stone by Christmas and fit into my jeans again this week i am going to stop finishing up the kids left overs and just bin that left over fish finger and go on the treadmill every day for at least 20 mins. Created by…
  • I would like to join please as really lacking in will power and need help! SW 79kg GW 63kg
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