Yeah living in Vegas I often see the "club girls" the "gym rats" and so many more terms for these people. What annoys me most is that people care so much about other people at the gym. Quite honestly, I go to the gym to work out. 95% of the time I don't notice other people around me, the other 5% of the time that I do…
Abby - I can tell you from a personal experience on it currently its amazing. Now with that being said everyone's body handles it differently. I am an RN in an ER here and once pulled out my bottle from my purse to take it because I forgot before I left for work. The doctor that saw me do it asked what it was, and the…
I just started my Phentermine HCL 30mg on 07/01/2011 - and I love it. But you hit the nail when you said a jumpstart. I am also learning to change my habits, but the energy it gives me I hope will allow me to lose enough weight to be able to produce my own energy and not be so difficult to work out. I am using the time I…