

  • That is a great website. Thanks for posting it! Another great website is, they have so many recipes and MOST are under two hundred calories!!! Also, they are pretty delicious!!!
  • I found this of MFP, maybe it will help.... As I have hinted to throughout this summary of metabolic process, the body has a "range" in which it feels it is receiving the right amount of fuel. The range (as most doctors and research scientists agree) is somewhere between 500 calories above your maintenance calories and…
  • Just an update!!! I went the gym for the first time today (prior to this it was walking/running in my neighborhood) and it felt great! I did an hour and am so SORE now!!! I will definitely pay for it tomorrow! I do have a great support system with friends and family. Most have joined so that I do not have to go alone and…
  • Well, I guess I can give it a shot. I will be 25 next month and its about time to get healthy. I am looking to start a family soon and dont want to start it on a bad foot...