

  • Great job!!! You look amazing and I am totally jealous of what appears to be a well-toned tummy!
  • thanks :) if anyone can clue me in on how to fix the link, i'm happy to edit.
  • Medifast is actually cheaper than a lot of the programs out there (including WW) and it has more benefits (counseling, dietician services, etc). This is not true. MF meals range from 90-130 calories. You are supposed to eat 800 to 1000 calories a day. Yes, the Medifast meals are low calorie but you get the largest bulk of…
  • agreed. your friend's metabolism is slow because she isn't consuming enough calories. she should be eating, at MINIMUM, 800 calories a day. and even that should be under the supervision of a doctor. perhaps she could try protein shakes? as for remembering to eat, I struggle with that as well. I set a timer for myself to…
  • you look amazing!!! i just found an old shot of me yesterday
  • I'm using MF too! I've lost 37lbs sine March 1. It is literally the only 'diet' that has ever worked for me. I am sure a large part of it was being ready mentally, but the portions and 6 small meals a day have taught me a lot about what my body wants and needs. I blog about it if you are interested, you can find the link…
  • i didn't have weights when i first started 30DS. honestly, if you are just beginning working out, you dont even need the weights to get the benefits of the routine. its a hard workout w/o the weights. if you still want to use weights, start small and work your way up.