

  • I used to eat them with Coolwhip Free. 2 Tbsp of Coolwhip Free is only 15 calories and it has no yucky after-taste like a lot of the fat free foods!
  • ron 2282 - I'll just have to do what can now to get rid of the extra and when it happens, I'll just do what I can to maintain. Adding the extra 300 calories sounds so scary now, but I know they're for the baby :) I know every baby is different each time, but I'm hoping the new one is like his/her brother and goes…
  • I'm 6', 259lbs, so I'm overweight, but I'd like to be no more than 200 when we start. I don't think that's going to happen though because weight comes off so slowly for me (and probably everyone) and we'd like to start sooner, than later. I'll have to as my doctor when it gets to that point, I'm just kinda obsessive about…
  • Ok awesome! Thanks, AnneElise! My first pregnancy I just ate whatever I wanted with total disregard for my weight gain becuase, "it's what the baby wants". That's no longer my excuse :-P No more massive bowls of Count Chocula at midnight or stuffed crust Pizza Hut pizza for me!
  • I have a question, should I stay at my recommended calories when I get pregnant or should I increase them? I take in more now than most because I'm taller. Also, is it healthy to try to actively lose weight while you're pregnant?
  • This is just what I was looking for! I just joined MFP about a week ago, so while I'm at work, I dip in and out of some of the threads and I saw this one and it's exactly where my husband and I are at. We've been married for 3 years, living together for just over 1 year and we're now finally ready (as ready as we'll ever…