

  • Measuring only body weight is not a great idea, and it is hard to give advice without more information. First, you must calculate your %bodyfat which you can Calculate using a tape measure,…
  • I am not sure you are correct. They use the BMR, subtract 500, and use THAT as the base, which is why you have to add back the calories, because their number does not account for activity. It is also why the number seems so low if you are not exercising that day. It is a fine motivator to get yourself to exercise more to…
  • Use the right hand side to get an ideal weight based on desired %body fat. That takes into account, your lean body mass.
  • That is a great site to figure out your total daily energy expenditure. TDEE. A woman should never eat fewer than 1200 calories acday, or 1000 calories below the TDEE figure. Most do veery well eating 500 calories below TDEE. This site is confusing because it adjusts based on what…
  • With this site, they are basically taking your total daily caloric needs and knocking off 500 calories a day so you lose 3500 calories or one pound a week. As you add your exercises, it ups the calories you need to eat so youbmaintain a 500 calorie deficit. You therefore need to eat the NET calories by eating more.…
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