

  • Diet Coke is, in my humble opinion, the worst thing out there. I was addicted to the stuff and consumed gallons a day, and my last one was December of 2009. Giving it up was probably the single most effective thing I did. Here is what I went through so you have an idea of what to expect. Day 1 through 5 - In the first few…
  • I went from a 325 pound couch potato to a marathon runner last year with just running and diet - now I'm in training for an Ironman with my first 70.3 half Iron triathlon happening in one week. -Travis
  • Take it one step at a time. Slowly increase speed, time, and intervals. That's what I did, and I went from 325 pounds to a marathon runner in less than a year. Check out my blog ( and look at the first posts in January of 2010, maybe you can find some of them useful to your journey!…
  • Yes you can! It may seem impossible now (just as it was for me when I was in your spot a year ago) but you CAN run a 10K and you will love the journey. I kept going after that through half marathons, marathons, and now training for an Ironman, all thinggs that once felt impossible but are achieveable. There are some…
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