

  • First order of business was trying to find the right DIET for me. Once I realized that the word DIET was horrible word I changed it to Lifestyle Change. Every 3 months I shake up my lifestyle by eating differently and working out differently. Each season gives you new food to shake up your system with and with each change…
  • My 1st 100lbs was lost through walking 3 miles a day, cutting my portion sizes in half, and surprise a combo of Herbalife and LA Weight Loss. Both taught me how to eat even if the LA Weight Loss didn't work for me, Herbalife helped me control my cravings and gave me the vitamins I needed through the day.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions!!! I will see what I can do. I guess that last stretch of 60lbs is the hardest. It wasn't that hard to lose 100 but I guess I will have to work harder and hit my calories every night. Thanks again, Janice from FL.
  • Good Evening, My name is Janice and I have been through every diet out there as many of you have. Over the course of 6 years I have lost over 100lbs but I still have 60 to go. My 3rd child seem to zap my system out of whack......but then again I did just go over 30 and everything tends to slow after that. I know a lot…
  • I have been on a lifestyle change for 4 weeks now. As frustrating as it is and difficult too I can't seem to hit my calorie intake. I always seem to be between 200-600 lower than I should be. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have lost almost 5lbs which is great for 4 weeks and I don't want to do too much more than that…