stefferni Member


  • Thanks so much everyone! All good points and I definitely needed your encouragement!! I started out good today and ran and walked about 3 miles total. But my sweet tooth got to me and I had a piece of the pie my husband left in the fridge :( boo! But other than that I did good. Some of your replies got me all watery eyed…
  • ha! I was thinking the same thing! But seriously...what kind of ab work were/are you doing? and what is your typical workout routine?
  • YES!!! I need help! I haven't even logged anything in weeks! I feel myself gaining and it will only get worse with the holidays around the corner. Thank you for this, this may be what I need :)
  • I almost feel better reading all of these posts because, I too, have done the same thing!! I worked out though...4 great workouts last week, but still ate HORRIBLE!! Today is better but not by much. I have had a REALLY HARD time re-adjusting after my vacation and can't seem to keep the healthy eating up since then. I'm…
  • I can totally tell! GREAT job, keep it up!!! :)
  • Welcome!! I'm new too and feeling the same way you are!!! It's pretty exciting, if you keep up with it and make the changes...WOW you see (and FEEL) a huge difference!! Keep it up! :)