

  • I want to join. Last summer/year I lost over 20 lbs and have since gained it back plus some. I am looking to lose 70 lbs but wold be happy with 50lbs. I plan to keep it off and live a healthier lifestyle. Please feel free to add me as a pal too.
  • I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS yet but I have all the symptoms from what I read & will bring it up with my doctor because I have been married for 7 yrs now & still no baby. Drs say everything is fine but I need to lose weight so we shall see before I try fertility drugs. The more a read about PCOS I just have a feeling…
    in PCOS Comment by DrPooh July 2011
  • I would like to join please add me too :)
  • Hello Everyone, :smile: I just join myfitnesspal on Monday & looking forward to losing weight. Me & my husband have been TTC for some years now & still no luck. Doctors recommend losing weight . I keep losing 10 to 15 lbs here & there and then gain it back or more. Looking for tips/suggestions to keep the weight off before…
  • Hello All, :smile: We are (Trying to conceive) TTC :heart: Doctors say I will increase my chances by losing weight, so we shall see. Been trying for years and really not trying to take fertility drugs. Any suggestions/tips to speed up this weight loss & keep it off when baby gets here :wink: