

  • To answer your question- do what you feel comfortable with. You want to feel challenged, but not like you're dying. Maybe C25K? I like that program a lot. It safely builds up you stamina. You don't need to reply to this. Just want to ask/say something for you to think about. Why do you want to lose 30 pounds? Your BMI is…
  • ^^^ This. It keeps me going... eye on the prize. My psyche seems to understand that as long as my diet is good, and I'm working out like I should, I don't NEED to see the number go down every day. Now, if it's been a week and nothing, or I gain, I go back to the drawing board to see what went wrong. weight loss is very…
  • I weigh in every morning, but I only post when I lose. A lot of people say it's bad to weigh in daily, but I can't help myself. It's actually very motivating for me.
  • Absolutely amazing! Congratulations! You must FEEL so awesome!