Heather1899 Member


  • How will I survive without my chocolate? And french vanilla cappuccino?? It keeps me warm!!
  • Apple was first thing I ate. Then I had my oatmeal and milk I always eat breakfast in that order
  • I don't drink either. I don't go out much though so I can't give any ideas of how to decline. But yea...even my boss doesn't understand why I am against drinking. He wants to get me to drink?!?! Anyways, he is like...well its not against the Bible even they had alcohol at the last supper. I just am not interested in it.…
  • I'm on week 5! I've also done Chalean Extreme.
  • Hello. I don't have 100 to lose anymore but I have lost more than 100 pounds already. I started at 312 pounds, now 185 pounds!! I know how intimidating it can be. And you want to give up before you start because even if you lost 30 pounds you still have more than 100 more to lose!! But at first I just focused on 10% of my…
  • ^^This!! I am in the 5th week of Turbo. I haven't really lost week but right now thats not my goal. I was just trying to maintain the holidays. Plus, I feel so much more energized lately!! Not sure if that is Turbo though. The only thing I dislike is the calendar schedule doesn't really incorporate resistance training.…
  • Maybe you could make a resolution to stand up once every hour? Even just to walk around for 5 minutes. Go talk to a coworker. Go to the potty and do squats. Stand whenever your talking on the phone. Maybe use a timer and once you have an idea of when you want to stand, set the timer to that to remind you.
  • I can relate. I am a receptionist too but it sounds like I am on my feet alot more than you. I have to get up for customers and if my boss needs something. Even when I am eating lunch. Answering the phone when eating lunch...never get a minute to myself. Feel like a full-time mommy!! I think that is why I don't eat much at…
  • I have her book, Push. How is this different? I think I did about 20 days, but then over the holidays things got busy so I haven't finished all the days. I was blogging my...homework or whatever on my blog.
  • I don't know about the programs you are talking about but I am doing Turbo Fire. She has HIIT workouts which require some jumping, though you can modify and she shows you how. I went out and bought some cheap Gym matts that look like big puzzle pieces and can be fitted together like a big puzzle. You can duct tape them to…
  • I've seen this...wondered if it has side effects for people on medications? I only ask because I am hypothyroid and on levothyroxine. I have been told to never take weight loss pills or stuff like that...not that I would take weight loss pills. But I don't know if shakology is similar? Also, a month ago I had a bad cold…
  • My doctor won't give me a number at all. She never told me to lose weight though in the first place and never pushed that. I just started it on my own. Every time I come in weighing less and ask about what my goal she be, she says I did good losing weight and just to do it slow and healthy. I just want a weight I can…
  • I'm 190 pounds and have been doing it!! I am in the 4 week of the program!!
  • Starsky & Hutch
  • Oh and something else!! During my vaca I went to live classes at a fitness center I'd never be able to go to during the day because I'd be at work. I tried a Zumba class and Turbo Kick class. Are there any cool exercise places available to try? Like swimming or special places to walk/hike?
  • I took a 3 day vacation and didn't go anywhere!! I stayed home/read/hung out on the porch/went shopping ect. Some good things to carry around maybe: Portable protein like: turkey jerkey, almonds, cans of tuna (could make little tuna sandwiches) Healthy fruits and veggies that don't need to be in a fridge all the…
  • I'd like to be a phys ed teacher at a school. I thought about personal training but I would really like maybe school. I was going to college and finished about half my degree to be a teacher before changing it to admin and now I am just a receptionist. I'd want to be different than the gym classes in high school when I had…
  • I didn't realize how many I had in boxes in my "basement gym" til I got a really cool wooden shelf-4 rows of shelves on it and thought it would be a great place to store my workout dvds. After I was done, my workout dvds filled 3 of the 4 shelves!! But their all tidy now too!! And I tried to categorize them according to…
  • Workout done!! Now to enjoy the rest of my day!!
  • You can always check in with me! However, I don't know how to cook to save my life!! I microwave oatmeal, make big salads, eat fruit or yogurt ect. I think if my mom didn't cook dinner I wouldn't get cooked food. I also have problems at work...they tell me I am not supposed to talk to my parents about work. Really...:/
  • Wow. I am in Lean Phase. I also don't have much money to buy more weights. I started owning 5, 8, 10s. I bought a nice mirror to check form. Then I bought 15 and 20 pound weights. I think the lowest I used was the 8s in some shoulder exercises. 10s on most other upper body. 15-20 for lower body. In the beginning of Lean…
  • Some cool things I did: Almost finished Chalean Extreme (1 more week of Lean!)-this is helping me learn strength training "Lift Heavy" and I got adjustable dummbbells but honestly, dummbells were hurting my wrists and elbows so now I use bands *shrug* it is about health not ruining my joints :( Started Turbo Fire (4 weeks…
  • Not sure if I count. I am 190 pounds, but I used to weigh 312 so I understand. Right now I am focused on maintaining & strength building, but I would love to find people who can relate to where I have been.
  • I think whatever exercise you like you will stick to, and Zumba is fun. I would get bored after staying on the treadmill or bike after so long, but with Zumba there is always ways to do something different. I don't have any cardio equipment, I just do dvds. I don't have a Zumba dvd but I've done a few Zumba classes. I am…
  • I don't have to work tomorrow so there is no excuse that I don't have time!! I will be doing Chalean Extreme Lean Phase 2 plus, Turbo Fire HIIT 15 and stretching. I plan to workout before I eat my big meal!!
  • Female 5'7" 190 pounds Pear shaped/maybe hour glass Non-paleo-lean more towards eating clean & moderation Brown hair Loves Turbo Fire I have a huge scar on my left arm from when I broke my arm as a little kid. Its about as long as my arm. I feel unique. :D
  • 26 but I "feel" like I am 21!!
  • Yes! Well I have worked out everyday this week except for Wednesday but eating...I've eaten ice cream 2 days this week!! Plus chocolate... Did I mention chocolate?
  • About a month ago I ordered my stuff so it got here in time, but for my sister's family (I don't have kids) I went to Amazon.com and bought them USED books from there. Some of the books were only a penny to a dollar each. Of course, I had to pay shipping and handling. However since each book cost about $10 at least new I…