Newbie to the group SW: 169.8 CW: 152.8 July GW: 140 07/07: - 154.4 (+0.4) 07/14: 07/21: 07/28: 07/31:
Pecan brittle
Hello all i have had great success with Keto and would love to help anyone that might need help adapting to keto.
Hi I do( IF) Intermittent Fasting 16/8 for about 3-4 mo now but I have moved up to 20/4 and I am comfortable with that. I usually drink Bullet Proof coffee for my Breakfast which I make my self and then eat my 1st. meal roughly about 3:00pm. I have also started doing the Ketogenic diet for about a month now. It makes feel…
Helpful tip eat more for times a day, like for instance you bust start off the Day with a nice healthy but fulfilling breakfast then you need to always pack healthy to go too snacks. So youare always eating every 3hrs...thia will keep your metabolism moving. When you don't eat your body go in starvation mode and it don't…
I am on a 1200 calorie diet and it fits me well. I eat a day full of food, I currently eat Breakfast, snack, lunch , snack, dinner, snack. and they are all healthy meals. Its what you eat and how you prepare it. I feel totally full and my energy is better. ie: I am a accountant and that means I have a sit down job, and…
Well hello and I am so glad to here to meet you on my fitness pal because this exactly what it is all about . Motivation and being a pal through the good and the bad. Whe I first started I was clueless to where I should start but I found some supportive pals and now I'm supporting them as well . So stay and don't leave…
Welcome aboard on this journey, as you will find friends , associates and supporters on My fitness . It does not mattter if you are here to loose 1pd or 500pds you will get support from your friends. add me my name is at the top Hope to talk to you soon and congradulation for taking the 1st step. You will be successful
Just wanted to say you really look good and keep up the good work , ill be back to visit again