

  • Hi All! Ran late this morning as well and will post tomorrow's weigh-in. Weekends are hard to stick to diet plans... I did work out though, so we shall see! Planning two workouts today and lots of water then crossing my fingers for a loss!
  • Hey Joni, I weighed today. Disappointing number after the week I had but it's okay... More motivation for next week. I did use two different scales, which I always feel makes a difference too. Does anybody take tier measurements? I think I may start doin that also - especially for weeks when I great but the scale does not…
  • Hey Joni, I weighed today. Disappointing number after the week I had but it's okay... More motivation for next week. I did use two different scales, which I always feel makes a difference too. Does anybody take tier measurements? I think I may start doin that also - especially for weeks when I great but the scale does not…
  • Hi All! This week I'm working at the Iowa State Fair, writing some press releases. Any suggestions for somewhat healthy Fair food? I've stayed away from it for the most part, but it's getting hard to resist! Looking forward to Monday's weigh-in though, I've run 14.5 miles this week! WOOOO! :) Good luck everyone! Erika
  • I'm so sorryyy! I struggle with these boards. Weigh-in for week: Started at 203 This Monday: 200.1!! :) Three pounds down this week! Goal for next Monday: 197 Lots of running lately so I think 3 lbs/week is totally do-able! :)
  • Hi Everyone! I just found the thread! So late. Anyway, I'm really excited for this group, so please, add me! :) I just finished upo spending an awesome summer in St. Louis and am heading back to school this fall in Des Molines. School is where I gain all my weight -- hoping this will keep me more accountable (less…
  • Hey Joni -- Go ahead and put my starting weight as 203 -- 170 by Christmas!! :)
  • Hi! I'd love to join -- I'm new to MFP and should probably start making friends on here. I want to be 175 by Christmas when I have to see all my extended family members AND start looking for jobs post-graduation! eek. Let's do this! Erika CW 201 GW 160