

  • Yes you should start worrying about your salt intake--but not only salt but your overall sodium intake. It's not only the salt you shake on foods, but the sodium that comes in processed foods and the sodium that occurs naturally in foods. You may be able to get away with the over salting now--but it will catch up with you.…
  • Hey--as the others said: It's done, it's over. WE ALL HAVE DONE THAT BEFORE!!! So time to just move past it--and are you sure it was 900 calories? Sometimes we think we've gorged on a ton of calories but when we actually calculate it out, it's not quite that much. And if it is--well tomorrow is another day to get back on…
  • Please feel free to friend me as well. I know exactly where you are coming from! I'm very encouraged and gung ho at the beginning of any diet I've done, and it will go for a bit depending on what program I'm doing. Initially friends are supportive--and even my late husband would be great at first; but then somewhere along…
  • I know exactly what you're saying. A day doesn't go by, where at some point, I haven't thought about my weight and how I feel. Whether it's coming back up the stairs from the basement because it's harder to go up than down, to deciding what to eat ...I hate the fact that the thought is always there. I too, lost a good…