

  • To create world peace, one internet forum at a time? That's my reason. Plus I'm fat.
  • Or I left work for the day . Cute though.
  • Ok, I'm done. Have a good night, and good luck with your weight loss.
  • Just to reiterate - I have not given an opinion one way or the other on the effectiveness of calories in vs. calories out, so I'm not sure why you are trying to convince me. I'm a believer. I do it every day. It's the only way I've ever been able to lose weight, although after one baby it became slower and after two, it's…
  • This is pretty much what I'm talking about.
  • Well with things like age, hormonal imbalances, candida overgrowth, toxins, illnesses, conditions, etc, a gray area is actually present. Calories aside, something else can be stopping a person from losing weight at the same rate they once did or that someone else is. I'm not arguing anything about the calorie deficiency,…
  • Wasn't directing it at any one person. I guess I just think MFP should be a happier place, that's all. I get there are 1,000 opinions, as there are 1,000 ways to lose weight. It just seems like people are so quick to be rude when they aren't agreed with, or when they are doing the disagreeing.
  • Of course I would. I'm expressing disbelief at the tone people are taking. You know that talking to someone in person the way some of these people are would cause someone to simply walk away rather than listen. If you wanted them to listen to you, you would speak to them in a helpful, conversational still applies…
  • Holy crap, you talk to total strangers in person the way you do on here? I thought healthy eating, exercising and losing weight made people happier. These forums seem full of miserable people, I don't get it. You DON'T know everything. Truly. You don't.
  • All forms of planks! They are so effective - trust me. I've had a c-section, which makes things so much more difficult to tighten up, but planks are actually making the difference when endless crunches have not.
  • Eat as many of your calories as you can, and take at least one day to "rest". If you feel the need to be active that day to fulfill a mental need or squash some guilt, take a leisurely walk, but don't push it. Whether you are doing cardio or weights, you are using your muscles, and they do go through wear and tear, just…
  • You should never eat below 1200 calories per day, especially if you are exercising. You would think that the more calories you bank, the more weight you will lose, but you will actually slow down the process. Your body will decide it's not getting enough to eat and start holding on to fat instead of burning it. Which is…
  • Jillian Michaels' DVDs are GREAT for toning those areas, and they don't take very long to complete. Ripped in 30 is less than 30 minutes per workout. Very challenging, effective, quick and convenient.
  • I've been doing Ripped in 30 as well and I'm tightening up, NOT getting bulkier. Women naturally do not bulk up when strength training. They icky body builder types that you are worried about resembling are not simply using weights. They are using weights you'll never be able to lift, drinking weird powdered drinks that…
  • I'd try eating carbs before, adding a cool-down period and eating protein and potassium after. Maybe add a banana to your shake. And stay hydrated during your run, not just before and after. Especially those longer ones.
  • I don't drink my calories anymore - no juice (too sugary), very little milk unless it's in my cereal, no sodas, not as much beer or wine) I'd much rather eat than drink!
  • I hope that's not true, but on the sheet they gave me when I left the hospital after mine, it said for most women it's permanent. I don't plan on being most women though. It's gotta go!