

  • Well, while I'm terribly sorry that you had such a crazy week when it came to food....I certainly did smile at your sense of humor about it all! I think that's a pretty good coping skill, seeing humor in the things we deal with on a daily basis...if you're not laughing, what's the point, right?? And I have to ask....NY…
  • First of all, kudos to you to wanting to help yourself. You've signed into a community of people who do truly care, and who provide unbiased advice. I know you're probably more than scared, as you are doing something that is life changing....but I will agree with some of the other people here and say that you probably…
  • While I don't have a mom like yours (she passed away) my grandmother is EXACTLY that way...she just doesn't seem to be happy unless she's not getting you to eat something....I think that just means they love us :) Unfortunately I can't point the finger at anyone but myself, as I have lived thousands of miles from home for…