It's supposed to be boring, this made me chuckle so failed in it's intentions!
Wow, the threads gone a little bit serious huh? How about those that don't want to look avert their eyes, and those that do gawp away. I can't say I've had it much but I don't think I'd complain if I was being ogled :P
I've had a few Graze boxes, and they've been really yummy! Seems like great value too to have them delivered to work :)
I once had a pet rabbit but during a storm the door of the hutch blew open and it ran away
Well if you need an anullment I hear Britney Spears knows someone...
Wow this game is hard huh? Erm... let me see... You have nice glasses? :)
10.5 minimum :) x
Out of ten, I would defintely give you one :wink:
Really? Why would you want to put images of lady poo in impressionable people's heads??? I didn't know before but I'm guessing TMI is too much information?
I think I just did a little sick in my mouth
From South of the river, just started on MFP. Hello to all the other Londoners out there